Preparing for a new puppy can be exciting but overwhelming.

Here is a quick checklist as a guide:

NuVet Vitamins

Order vitamins and set-up your autoship schedule.

Royal Canin

You will receive an email from

Royal Canin on Behalf of Pamela Ware


Set up your online account, order puppy food and set-up auto ship schedule.

Health Insurance Policy

Traveling can be stressful on a young puppy; per our contract you are required to have a health insurance policy in place 2-weeks prior to the puppy traveling. By completing your AKC registration you will be offered a 30-day insurance policy for no cost to you.

Establish care with your Vet

Your puppy's vaccination booklet will be provided in their paperwork. Please make sure to schedule an appointment for within 2-business days after your puppy arrives home to establish care. Your vet will ensure vaccinations are current and updated for your local area.

Microchip - AKC ReUnite

You will receive an email from AKC ReUnite.

Your puppy’s microchip has been recorded with AKC ReUnite. A lifetime enrollment membership has been paid in full. Please review the included documentation / email for accuracy and set up your AKC ReUnite account online.

Prepaid AKC Registration

Registration papers are proof of ownership and include your puppy's microchip number. Please complete the registration or provide your puppy’s name to Pam to have the papers completed. You will receive the registration certificate in the mail.

In person social training opportunities are best for both your puppy and you. There are always local options available so research in your community for puppy / starter classes. In addition you will find great training information on AKC's and GoodDog's websites. Take advantage of these opportunities!

We feed our dogs and puppies Royal Canin Dog Food. Your puppy will be started on Royal Canin® Size Health Nutrition™ Large Puppy Dry Dog Food.


You will receive an email from Royal Canin (Royal Canin on Behalf of Pamela Ware <>) with our puppy food recommendations. The link in the email will provide you with 20% off your first order. Setting up your autoship will save you 5% off every autoship order + free shipping.


Below you will find a starter feeding schedule including amounts.

Upon bringing your puppy home, you will want to have the following food and Suppliments available:

  • Royal Canin® Size Health Nutrition™ Large Puppy Dry Dog Food

  • As Dobermans are a large breed, feed Large Puppy Dry Dog Food until they are at least 18 months to 2 years old.



  • NuVet Plus® K-9 Wafers -- Ordering directly from NuVet, 1-800-474-7044 or, with Order Code 200893 provides proof of purchase to validate your health guarantee.

NOTES: Plan 3 meals daily at regular intervals. The goal is to have your puppy finish each meal within 15 minutes; without going hungry.

  • Pick the food up after 15 minutes.

  • IWatch your puppy's body condition to determine portion size. You do not want them to eat so much they are getting too heavy or not eating enough for healthy growth.

  • If there is food left over between meals, adjust the serving size down.

  • If they finish their meal quickly and are still hungry, within the 15 minutes, increase the portion size.

Please remember that your puppy is a baby and may not be fully vaccinated when you bring them home; we will provide their vaccination records for your veterinarian to review. We will also review the records with you upon travel so you are aware what additional vaccinations you may need to schedule with your veterinarian.


Your puppy should not be taken to any public places, including but not limited to, retail stores or parks. The only acceptable public place is your veterinarian. We recommend carrying your puppy into the veterinarian office and not allowing them to roam the floor until fully they are fully vaccinated. 

Disclaimer- I am not a vet and this is my opinion:

Research is always improving and recommendations by vets and research professionals change; as will my recommendations as years go on. I am typically of the opinion that waiting longer is beneficial.


Females not intended for breeding should be allowed to have 1-2 heat cycles before being spayed. I believe males will grow to be stronger and larger (not just fatter) if left in tact as long as possible and at the earliest 8-10 months.

Please do your own research and work with your vet on when you feel is the most appropriate time for you and your pet. In researching please remember to stick with reputable sites.

Dobermans are inherently a very clean breed; although they do shed. Start your puppy on a regular grooming schedule at an early age so ensure they are willing as they get larger. Frequency of washing your puppy is a personal preference but we recommend no more than 2-3 times in a 3 month period. If you notice any skin issues, please consult your veterinarian.


Be aware of what scents your puppy likes / dislikes and waht scents / plants / oils are toxic to your puppy. It is shocking to me how many pet shampoos contain toxic ingrediants. Our favorite shampoo is Sunny Honeysuckle Shampoo + Conditioner For Dogs and Cats by m.barc.


See our Amazon shopping list for recommendations.

Link to Amazon Shopping List

Link to Amazon Shopping List

Keep in mind that puppies love to chew and need to be kept active. Our Amazon shopping list will give you some ideas and recommendations on:

  • toys
  • chews
  • collar and leash (stick with metal buckles)
  • and other supplies.


See our Amazon shopping list for recommendations.

We start crate training your puppy during the ear cropping stage and strongly encourage you to continue crate training your puppy. You do not need to crate long term, but crate training has it's advantages:

  • If you need to travel, kenneling may be necessary at a hotel or friend's / family member's home.
  • Your puppy may need to be in a kennel at the vet, groomer or in case of an emergency.
  • There are so many what if scenarios, it is in your puppies best interest if they feel safe and confortable in a kennel
  • Many dogs love their kennels and it becomes there bedroom and safe space.
  • NEVER use the kennel as a punishment.


See our Amazon shopping list for recommendations.

Link to Amazon Shopping List

We start crate training your puppy during the ear cropping stage and strongly encourage you to continue crate training your puppy. You do not need to crate long term, but crate training has it's advantages:

  • If you need to travel, kenneling may be necessary at a hotel or friend's / family member's home.
  • Your puppy may need to be in a kennel at the vet, groomer or in case of an emergency.
  • There are so many what if scenarios, it is in your puppies best interest if they feel safe and confortable in a kennel
  • Many dogs love their kennels and it becomes there bedroom and safe space.
  • NEVER use the kennel as a punishment.


See our Amazon shopping list for recommendations.

Link to Amazon Shopping List

I'm a firm believer in not recreating the wheel. Please watch this youtube video for instructions; she does a fabulous job of explaining and demonstrating the process! I have put together an Amazon shopping list to aid in the process.

Link to Amazon Shopping List